35j Literacy Grant

35j Literacy Grant

Professional Development
 In the spring of 2024, the Michigan Department of Education awarded a grant to Newaygo Public Schools totaling $214,958 to "improve literacy instructional practices by investing in quality, research-based best practices, and professional learning."
"35j legislation states that ALL (100%) Kindergarten to 5th Grade teachers (this includes classroom teachers, resource teachers, electives teachers, etc.), building administrators, and instructional coaches must complete the selected professional learning."
To that end, over 50 Newaygo Elementary and 5th Grade at Newaygo Middle School staff are engaging this year (2024-25) in literacy professional development aligned to the science of reading, including:

  • Literacy Training focused on small group instruction, shared reading, phonics, and vocabulary/content knowledge. 
  • All PLC work will focus on the fundamentals of reading science, which include language comprehension, word recognition, abundant reading materials, literacy best practices and instructional routines. 
  • Bridge to Writing Professional Development
  • Professional Development provided additionally by our Literacy Coach, as well as focusing on how instruction is applied in the classroom. 

Curriculum & Assessment
Furthermore, the grant states that the “district is required to…post on the district’s website which Kindergarten to 5th grade literacy curriculum and benchmark assessment the district is using.”

Kindergarten to 5th grade literacy curriculum:
Newaygo Public Schools combines multiple instructional resources to support the Kindergarten through 5th grade core curriculum of ensuring students develop content knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. The resources used include Heggerty, Literacy Resources, Bridges to Writing/Reading and the new Units of Study for Reading, Writing, and Phonics. We plan to use 35j funds to purchase new Elementary ELA resources better aligned to the science of reading. 

Benchmark assessment:

  • NWEA 

Newaygo Literacy Plan 2024-2025